S&P/NZX Indices

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S&P/NZX 50 Index12,478.5010.000 / 0.00%

The index is designed to measure the performance of the 50 largest, eligible stocks listed on the Main Board (NZSX) of the NZX by float-adjusted market capitalization. Representative, liquid, and investable, it is widely considered New Zealand's preeminent benchmark index. The index is float-adjusted, covering approximately 90% of New Zealand equity market capitalization. Read more >

S&P/NZX 20 Index7,533.8190.000 / 0.00%
S&P/NZX 50 Portfolio Index7,671.9260.000 / 0.00%
S&P/NZX 10 Index12,798.6370.000 / 0.00%
S&P/NZX MidCap Index32,565.3530.000 / 0.00%
S&P/NZX SmallCap Index77,428.2100.000 / 0.00%
S&P/NZX All Index13,522.5560.000 / 0.00%
S&P/NZX Primary Sector Index10,305.3820.000 / 0.00%
S&P/NZX 50 High Dividend Index1,735.6330.000 / 0.00%
S&P/NZX All Energy1,461.6530.000 / 0.00%
S&P/NZX All Materials1,107.5680.000 / 0.00%
S&P/NZX All Industrials2,040.4270.000 / 0.00%
S&P/NZX All Consumer Discretionary733.0320.000 / 0.00%
S&P/NZX All Consumer Staples2,471.2550.000 / 0.00%
S&P/NZX All Health Care3,197.6730.000 / 0.00%
S&P/NZX All Financials1,589.8630.000 / 0.00%
S&P/NZX All Information Technology2,696.2220.000 / 0.00%
S&P/NZX All Communications Services2,472.5370.000 / 0.00%
S&P/NZX All Utilities3,391.3110.000 / 0.00%
S&P/NZX All Real Estate1,600.0880.000 / 0.00%
S&P/NZX Real Estate Select Index1,615.2720.000 / 0.00%