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Data delayed by 20min | last updated on 23/09/2024, 24:00 NZST


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NZSX Announcements

Last updated on 20/09/2024, 17:28 NZSTRealtime
Precinct Properties NZ & Precinct Properties Investments LtdSPH Notice - Forsyth Barr Investment Management Limited20/09/2024SHINTR
3rd Party Released announcements3
2 Cheap Cars Group LimitedOngoing D&O Disclosure - Paul Millward20/09/2024SHINTR
3rd Party Released announcements3
Kiwi Property Group LimitedOngoing disclosure notice - Peter Alexander20/09/2024SHINTR
3rd Party Released announcements3
Kiwi Property Group LimitedOngoing disclosure notice – MJ Daly20/09/2024SHINTR
3rd Party Released announcements3
Kiwi Property Group LimitedOngoing disclosure notice - various - DRP20/09/2024SHINTR
3rd Party Released announcements3
NZ RegCoClass Ruling on NZX Participant Rule 18.2.1(b)20/09/2024WAV/RULE
The Warehouse Group LimitedWHS Initial Disclosure Notice - Antony Carter20/09/2024SHINTR
3rd Party Released announcements3
Port of Tauranga LimitedD&O Ongoing Disclosure Notices - Multiple20/09/2024SHINTR
3rd Party Released announcements3
NZX Spotlight series
NZX News

NZX showing ongoing strength through economic & market cycles

NZX's half year report shows ongoing strength through economic and market cycles. Having interrelated businesses and a diverse range of offerings available for companies to access capital, are behind our strong result. Read more here.

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Quickly find what you're looking for in following sections:

NZ Milk Production

DCANZ and DairyNZ Monthly Milk Production

Find here the New Zealand monthly milk production report. For the publishing calendar click here.

NZ Milk Production Block Image
NZX Global Dairy Trade News

Trade Event 364

The 364th Global Dairy Trade (GDT) Event was held on Tuesday, 17 September. To view a summary of the results, click here.

NZX Website GDt Event 364 Line Graph
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